Monday, April 18, 2016

Where have all the STRONG MEN gone? (04.18.16)

In some ways, I feel like Christian guys are worse than non-Christian guys in the sense that, Christian guys don’t know how to properly say no to a girl. Whether or not this girl is interested in them in a romantic way is irrelevant. Christian guys simply don’t know how to say “no” properly. This is based off my recent encounter with one on an online dating site/app (which shall remain nameless). I’d been on for a while, as an upgraded member, I want to take an advantage of it, right? So, I’m just chatting regularly with mostly randoms who only last a few weeks in conversation. Once they realize they can’t meet me to hump into the sack, that I require intelligent conversation and a friendship first, they often go their own way and delete my message thread. Yup! Short, simple, and to the point. It’s come to me checking my “sent messages” before I check for new messages. I want to see who looked at me and then deleted my message as opposed to read my note and then deleted my message. It makes a difference. Not too sure how just yet, but I know it does.

Okay, so you’re asking where I’m getting my Christian guys are worse than secular guys argument and here it is! Most non-Christian guys delete right away or after a few moments. That’s just how it is. It’s quick, merciful, and a swift rejection. This clown that I’m chatting with about our common interest is responding minutes after my responses. We’re jiving, chatting, and really getting along. And to be PERFECTLY honest, I only sent a message to him because he wore a Nikon camera in his profile pic! As if you couldn’t tell by my profile and social media, cameras are my THING!! Come on, now. And I know he checked out my profile. In fact, I’m holding my Canon 7D in one of my photos! I can’t be more for-reals jived to see a fellow photog enthusiast like myself on the site! And, well, although he’s DEFINITELY NOT my type of guy, I wanted to make friends and see if we could swap shooting secrets! And as we’re chatting, it’s so fun and he likes to shoot on 35 mm film, so that’s a trip for me! Gosh, I can’t even tell you how great we were jiving, so I asked if we could meet and talk about it in person noting that our meet would NOT be a date.

He didn’t respond within 7 hours… And the app showed that he read it right away. My response is “JUST SAY NO THEN!!!” Why the puck are you making me wait and think the world of things?! Why can’t you be the Christian man you claim to be in your profile and just give a straight answer?! What is the harm in telling me, someone who NEVER expressed interest in anything other than your photog skills, that you don’t want to meet up and chat about more photog stuff? Are you afraid I might react negatively and plead with you? Because I won’t. Weren’t you Bible-based, boy? Why aren’t you referring to the Bible in this case? Do NOT lie! Tell truth!! Come on, just say “NO” and adding a “thanks” is just good manners!

I’m so annoyed with this because, for a Non-C to do this, okay, I get it. Different morals, different upbringing, different culture, of course he will beat around the bush… But for a Christian guy to do the non-Christian guy thing… It’s no wonder they’re so weak… I’ve rarely felt protected around certain male Christian friends and it’s for this reason. No isn’t that simple to them… it carries sadness, hurt, resentment, self-punishment, and the like. So, they give other reasons and such. As for me, I LOATHE guys like that!! It pisses me off because when did Jesus ever say “Well, um, I don’t think that…” Some would argue, he never said “No” but I argue that he straight up told you what TO DO  and what NOT TO DO. There was no “I think you might want to consider selling most or all of your stuff” to the rich man. He told that man to “sell” and “follow”. Right?!

OMG. I’m going to have to respond to the poor conflicted guy who is trying to find a good way to say “No” to me. I just pray that I have the patience to write it before deleting his message thread. And I just hope to God that my future husband will not be so wishy-washy. There’s nothing more frustrating to me, a filmmaker and writer/director, than someone who can’t say “NO” directly. There are far fewer problems and issues if you do the simple thing. Think of all the hassle and trouble you’ll save yourself if you’re direct without adding on weird and unclear excuses.

So, to all the Christian brothers out there who want to say no to something or someone… JUST SAY NO!

In the end… I guess it was my fault for thinking I could make a friend or that he’d be more straight with me. I guess, a real flaw of mine is that I think all Christians are straight forward like how I am when it comes to making decisions. Apparently, it seems, I’m still more of a “man” than the men in this religion. It saddens me that many Christian men are still so weak and powerless in the conflicting world we live in. … Sigh. So sad. 

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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.