Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Personality... Splits? (05.18.16)

You ever had a time where your emotions just overrode everything and suddenly, you found yourself very different and unlike yourself? So much so that this personality is given a name and assumes it as you watch on? Not like "Fight Club" but more like, I'm watching as the other side is controlling me.

That's right... I have a few of them under my skin. There's super bubbly and enthusiastic me... and then, the conservative Christian me... then, there's the traditional me and the angry/enraged me... last, though, with her own name and all... a side of me I didn't know was so active until recently... But... Who will save me from these strong personalities? Just so that I can become me... who I was meant to be.

Know what I mean?

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Babies on the Mind! (05.13.16)

Do you see this baby? Do you see how cute she is?! Do you see her cute little cheeks, her hose, her chin, her double chin, her tummy, her fingers, and her ever so slight frown? This is my baby niece!! Isn't she adorbs?! I mean, from the thin hair atop her head to her little fingers and toes, she just has so much personality!! She smiles when she sees you and then is near tears when you leave her alone! She is happy and then sad and then, in between!

If I had children one day, I'd want them to be as adorable as she was!! She was actually entered in a competition!! Here is the LINK to the competition!!! To vote for her, you have to email your top 5 picks to THIS email address!! You will also have to give your name, address, and phone number because that's how they make sure there are no duplicate voting, which means you can only vote once!! Just so you know, she is #21, #23, and #24!! I also really like the baby with glasses, despite the lack of expression on him... and #11, the yoga one!! So cute!!

Anyways, please have a great week and be happy! Don't forget to spread the joy and love to those around you!! BERNIE SANDERS ftw! :D

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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.