YOU WILL CRY a few times. My goodness!! As it comes with discrimination, prejudice, and justice being served... Maybe a few happier events in rough times and some of the lower points as they come. There is, DEFINITELY, a few moments my eyes teared up... but those tears will come out!
YOU WILL SIGH a few times. I HATE re-watching the times of segregation. Only because, although the signs aren't up, Asians are still being discriminated against on a daily level. No one addresses it and no one says anything but it's because people know better than to verbally address it. Anyways, this film truly makes you sigh and whimper and moan and groan. It's definitely a crowd pleaser!!
YOU WILL LAUGH a few times. These ladies managed to keep their spirits high despite the crushing nature of the world around them. Also, as usual, When the ladies are apart, they manage to hold their ground, but when they are together, everyone starts smiling despite the grumpy mood they were in. As good and true friends, they stay in contact with each other and talk as close friends, putting each other in various situations, usually quite comical ones.
YOU WILL BE IMPRESSED!! From films like "Mississippi Burning" to "Remember the Titans", films about segregation had always been carried on by men, even "Coach Carter". This is the first time, in modern history, that the story is told from the female perspective. Filled with details about gender and color discrimination, and then bringing it home to the family life of marriage, children, and a single mother. Life is difficult and this film blew away those before it because of the broad spectrum of struggles it covered.
Overall Score: 4 out of 4 Stars (A)
*I highly recommend everyone to go see this film!
As a minority woman struggling in a predominantly White and male dominated industry... I feel encouraged, hopeful, and inspired by this film. I truly thank the filmmakers, producers, and team that brought these important stories to life.
... Maybe next, they can explore the stories of the thousands of Chinese brought over to work on the railroads... that connected the East to the West. Yup, those people that never received recognition and were later chased out of America despite the great service they did for America. What do you think?