This is the first time in my life I took a leisure trip to China and was a tourist. The first 7 days were spent in GuangZhou, China. I saw friends and relaxed a lot. It was HOT and WET... But I managed to visit some good locations and the ChangLong Zoo!! I, also, slept more than I have in the last three years! And then the second week was spent in ShanDong experiencing their cuisine. I was surprised and amazed at the experience. The food was incredible and salty and I learned a lot and drank a lot of water... but not too much because I don't like using public squatties but not because they're down on the ground, but because they splash and smell. Hah. I'll put up some media real soon, I hope!
Something I found out on this trip was JUST HOW AMERICAN I truly am. I had considered living in China or working there, perhaps marrying someone from there, but that all died when I wanted to claw my way home after this two-week trip! Everything from being taller than everyone, bigger than everyone, and eating a different set of food styles than what is available forced my body to tone up, lose water weight, and slim down. Although my weight ### didn't change too much, I came back visibly toner and thinner. My mother, who hadn't liked the idea of me going in the first place, thought it might be better for me to stay there longer so that I could lose more weight. Another thing was the fact walking was my main mode of transportation when we didn't need to ride the subway, call a taxi and/or bus. Know what I mean?
I'm super thankful I made it back in time to send out a support message to iKon's Hanbin (a.k.a. B.I.) before their first debut song dropped on the 15th!!
What do you think of their debut song? ~~ As for me, I felt they should have released something stronger and to their style... This song reminds me of Shinee's debut song... Oh, but I'm betting not many of you know of the version my pals made, eh?
And, even weirder was, to stay awake, I got back Saturday, so I saw "Inside Out" that night and then "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." on Sunday night, again. Haha!! But I'm getting sleepy, so I'm clocking out!!
Take care world and look forward to more!! ~~ @tiffrz