Wednesday, May 25, 2016


I didn't know this still happened but... if you don't sleep with someone, then they'll dump you before the second date. I didn't know that was still a thing... but, it APPARENTLY is still a thing...

Single and on the shelf again. Sigh.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Second Date (05.23.16)


Well, we're going on our second date. It's going to be in a public space because, OMG, pretty much ALL OF MY FRIENDS were FURIOUS that I went on a date without letting them ALL know!! Although the guy didn't take an advantage of me, if chose to, no one would know! So, yup... I requested a movie during the day time, and he said yes, rather reluctantly.

So, in my over-thinking mind, he's either going to dump me or think I'm lame and boring AND THEN break off our this side of the relationship.

Oh, and don't even get me started on what we're doing. ... Apparently, because this is our second date and we're only "seeing" each other, not "dating". So, the guy I want to kiss is "seeing" me but he can be seeing multiple people at the same time. Which means I should, too, right? Except, I have no idea how to do any that!

So, after my first kiss on my first date, I'm going to be dumped on our second date because I'm too boring for him. Yup. That's how things are going... in my mind.

How is your week so far??

Oh, and here's Ed and me at it again!! Yaaaaaay!!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

FIRST KISS (@.@)!!!

I HAD MY FIRST KISS... I had my first kiss!! I've been kissed. At the tender age of 30... I was finally kissed.

THAT'S not how the first kiss was... But, that's similar to how the last kiss was...

In my mind's eye... I think that's how it happened...

We were seated by a man-made lake and waiting for the sunrise... Aside from the pure anxiety I felt, he was warm, friendly, and he kissed me. From there, I did my best to keep up with him but, when I dropped a few walls, it became much more natural.

Now, I can't wait to kiss him again...

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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.