These are all questions I ask myself EVERYDAY. I actually have more, but these seem the most relevant to our day and age. I mean, trying to figure out the personas and psychology of the next generation is like working yourself through the Triwizard Maze only to be transported into the Wizard's Chess game, jumping from book 5 to book 1! I mean, how is that useful to those who seek to better the lives of the young wizards and witches of our next generation?! Why would we do that to them?!
Fortunately, by the plan of the Master of the grand design of life, my bestie (a.k.a. MoonLiteWolf) told me Tuesday night that she was taking me somewhere on Wednesday, so I said sure. After walking AROUND and THROUGH and UP and DOWN the TCL in Hollywood, I made it in line for the "DeadPool" screening, waited an hour, AND THEN she found me and got me into the right theater! Truly, those who work the exterior of the event are quite incompetent! I was running around, sweating, in a line filled with men, denied access, and then finally allowed in after ignoring the ignorant and confused staff.
Without expectations or what was to come, not being familiar with the reputation and work of IIsuperwomanII, Lilly Singh, when the documentary started, I was hooked upon meeting my fine feathered friend. I found that she was JUST LIKE ME, but willing to be in front of the camera. Her story is inspirational, her team was not film and production savvy, so it seemed, but everything came together and she survived her world tour, and then returned home to continue on with her mission and goal to make others happy. I found her encouraging, a bit daft and gregarious, but also a fun-living kind of crazy.
Afterwards, while eating and talking and walking with Moon, she asked for my honest opinion and, though I had some issues with how this documentary was shot and certain cuts I didn't agree with (cut me some slack! i'm a filmmaker with a different style!), I did admit that she touched on my dream job. Personally, for me, I'm someone who wants to find talent and help them reach that status. I want to find someone to invest my time, efforts, blood-sweat-&tears in so that when they succeed, I can say that they are my success. I don't care about being in front of the camera, but I wanna make original content that stands out and SAYS SOMETHING!!! That ENCOURAGES PEOPLE!!! That gets real stuff out there.
And then... I realized that, well, I already am. I'm just not where she is at because I'm doing everything from behind the camera, from behind the scripts and slates, I'm holding the boom mics and editing. Although I'm not seen, everything that is put out there for RainBridge Studios is me... is something I'm passionate about. And that I just have to keep working at what I'm doing to, hopefully, inspire and change the world.
And just to share some added excitement, Moon and I saw and met then took a selfie with Lindsey Stirling at the premiere!! And here's our selfie!!
She was very cool and sweet!! Isn't she adorable?!?! I thought so!! So tiny and petite in reality!!
As usual, comment, suggest, and check in with me for more stuff. I'm excited to announce that Rain Bridge Studios will be coming out with some original content that is SURE to make you love us more! The CoTangent is soon coming up on the 1 year anniversary, so look forward to a little something special for that!! And Umbrella Thoughts will soon tackle the topic of D.A.R.E. and bullying, so lots to prep for and gathering the forces for that! (Hopefully, Superwoman herself can joins us for the conversation...???) I'm prepping for a documentary called "Ironman" and there's another reaction video on the horizon, I believe? So much to do!! So little time to sleep!!
Oh, if you've read this far, great! If not, well... to those of you who did, please advise me on something!! So... I talk to strangers like I talk to friends because I was taught to treat others the way I want to be treated. My buddy, Moon, recently told me how not everyone thinks that way and that it's usually AWKWARD when that happens. I want to know... how many of you can talk to strangers and how many of you think it's weird? You can leave comments here or email me!! I look forward to your answers!!