Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Personality... Splits? (05.18.16)

You ever had a time where your emotions just overrode everything and suddenly, you found yourself very different and unlike yourself? So much so that this personality is given a name and assumes it as you watch on? Not like "Fight Club" but more like, I'm watching as the other side is controlling me.

That's right... I have a few of them under my skin. There's super bubbly and enthusiastic me... and then, the conservative Christian me... then, there's the traditional me and the angry/enraged me... last, though, with her own name and all... a side of me I didn't know was so active until recently... But... Who will save me from these strong personalities? Just so that I can become me... who I was meant to be.

Know what I mean?

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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.