Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Animal Videos... and Me (4.19.16)

Wow. Okay, so I like dogs but I like horses more. But after watching this video... I want a dog.

LOL. What do you think?? Is this dog just too good to be true? He looks very... fluffy... haha!

RIGHT?!?! I can't help but want one!! And the music is SO cute!! So squished up and... aww...

OMG!! HAHAHA!!! This is too funny for words!! I mean... WOW!! Too bad there isn't hamster gymnastics!! keke!!

AND THEN, THERE'S MARU!!! I think this was the first animal video I watched OVER and OVER again!! HAHAHAHA!!

Animals are so fun and amazing!! Love em!!

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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.