Monday, September 21, 2015

According to Ed...

According to my CoTangent Podcasting Cohost Ed (@edMgonzalez), Mondays and Thursdays are the best times to blog because that's when people read it the most. Is that true? Then, am I just off the time schedule by that much? I like blogging on Saturdays and Tuesdays. Haha.

So, what to write about? Well, I have always been a bit obsessed with the Phoenix and Dragon stories, especially in Chinese mythology, and I have found a GREAT project to put together. I can't really make it into a feature because I don't have the support or the man-power to full that successfully off, but I am capable of doing a small sort of series on my own.

Luckily, a dear old friend of mine has agreed to be featured in my action-packed story!! I actually "googled" her and found this shot of her. She's a looker but she's VERY INTELLIGENT and BRILLIANT when it comes to working. I have no idea why she hasn't gone for modeling or the like, but she has an AMAZING personality and lots of stamina. In short; she's incredible.

My number 2 in command who will be the neurologist and I've casted another good friend for that role... a nutty professor/doctor type person who I've yet to cast, and I need a brilliant and great fighter who doesn't LOOK like he can fight for the last part. Anyone know anyone looking for footage for their reel or... anyone want to try the part?

All of it is set in Los Angeles, maybe we'll shoot in San Francisco later on and, most likely, China, too!! Anyways, the podcast should be up soon!! For now, here's Episode #29 from last week!!


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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.