Monday, September 28, 2015

"The Intern" @ "Hotel Transylvania 2" ??

I SAW TWO AWESOME MOVIES!!! I saw two awesome movies!!

The first movie I saw with my buddy MoonLiteWolf!! We watched "Hotel Transylvania 2" at the Burbank AMC together! It was funny and more adult than I had expected it to be. She enjoyed it and I liked it a lot! We had fun watching it and then we STREAMED on for the first time ever! It was fun, it was cool, I was excited, and Moon played very well!! Check it out!!

The second movie I saw with my other buddies (who don't float around on Social Media as much) was "The Intern", which I absolutely adored because of Robert DeNiro, Nancy Meyers, and Christina Scherer! OMG!! I LOVED THIS MOVIE!! I enjoyed the beginning, middle, and though I was a bit unsatisfied with the ending, I still liked it!!

As it turns out, HERE IS #30 of the CoTangent Podcast!!

Give it a listen and I'll catch up to #31 soon!!

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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.