Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The First Week of 2016

Did you make many resolutions? I did. Well, not many, but enough!!

I want to lose 100 lbs. ... Jk. That would be bad for my body. But I want to lose at least 50 lbs! I also want to build up Rain Bridge Studios so I'm going to shoot a pilot to a series only created by me! This should be fun and lots of people I like working with will work on it with me! Lucky me!!

I don't have too many updates, but 2016 ought to be fun!! Ed will start putting out more sports related content. JJ has a series she wants to start and preys on my inability to date!! ... OOH!! I WANT TO GO ON A DATE THIS YEAR!! I WANT TO DO THAT VERY MUCH!! Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't!! I hope it will, though!! #PineNut I may be, but have you SEEN the girls Chris Pine dates?! OMG. There's no way I'll ever even catch his eye!! And as for Leonardo DiCaprio, homie, if you need a buddy to hang out and have clean fun with, I'm totally here for you! Everyone should have me as a friend. Seriously!!

Here's the CoTangent Episode 44!! I was sick, so cut me some slack for sounding funny!!

Here's to another week of life!!

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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.