Friday, October 9, 2015

The Art Of Impatience

When I was younger, when I started dancing and choreographing, I adopted the name “Step Master” or “Beat Master” because, well, I used to teach people who couldn’t dance TO dance. And people thought it was because I had patience, but in reality, I think it was due to impatience. To get everyone on the same page at the same time, I would watch how people moved naturally and then teach them, based on how their own body moved, how  to dance my choreography. It sounds strange, but that’s how I got even the most two-left-footed person to dance well. Hehe. And I took pride in that. My other friend dubbed me the “Beat Master” because he used to choreograph to his own counts and I would lock them down into the music, figuring out the pacing, and then we would teach it. It was fun… Watch the video of the last project I worked on. Yeeea… I’m the one in green.

And then, when I turned 21, I lost the ability to do several things. And, somehow, I stopped dancing. Since then, I haven’t really helped anyone. When people ask me FOR help, I send them off to other dancers I know who can somewhat do what I have spent much of my life doing. But… I watched a few people and I realized that my way of teaching is quite a specific brand of dancing. My sisters thought it was a gift, that it meant I had a lot of patience… when in reality, I think it simply meant I was impatient and a control freak. So much so that I would learn how others moved to teach them how to move like me.

As crazy as it may sound, I want to get back into it. But I don’t do those weird dances people do today. I enjoy the old fashioned hip-hop choreography, when it was about movement and not sex appeal. Know what I mean?

Now… I just need to find some who can’t dance but want to learn how. … Any takers reading this post? I’m in Burbank! Contact me!! I want to see if I still, really, have my gift!

To hear me talk, check out the COTANGENT Podcast!

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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.