Sunday, November 22, 2015

Honesty Sunday

To be perfectly honest, I watched 'Quantico' and 'Once Upon a Time' last week but I didn't find much point in writing a long post about it until I knew more about what was coming up. And though I could give you ENDLESS spoilers, I've decided to simply bore you with my weekend and then my predictions, coupled with my opinions about the futures for these men and women of valor and evil.

Many of the buddies were busy this week so Ed and Sarah met with Tea for some music video reactions on a lovely Saturday afternoon. The lighting was nice, the seating was comfortable, and the music was puzzling. I think the team did a couple that day and discussed the re-workings of the CoTangent podcast! Wanna take a listen? Check Ed and me out here!

As of this week, the switch to SoundCloud is real and happening! Tonight is QUANTICO and ONCE!! I can't wait!! On the watch out now!!

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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.