Monday, October 19, 2015

My Appetite and First Reaction Video

I went to China. It was lovely. I saw many things, ate lots of food, and clashed a lot with the culture. Enjoy my video!

And then I rallied Ed, Moon, and Chris to do a series of reaction videos to Korean music videos. Tell me what you think and what music videos you recommend!!

I wonder what weird thing I'll venture forth and do next... Got any suggestions?? By the way, a little backstory, Ed is a journalist, Moon is a sound mixer, Chris is an animator, and I'm a filmmaker. So... lots of opinions flying around. We drank some Samuel Adams beers, pumpkin flavored Shock Tops and had some Blue Moon... All rather light and fluffy for this fun friends time!!

New episode of CoTangent coming soon! Yay!

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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.