Thursday, February 28, 2008

on the go...

so... here are some older pieces... ones i take pride in because i think they're cute or hot... hehe :D click to see full size, i guess... hehes... :D
^this one i drew, inspired by Maggie Lin... and how she always called me "Baby Girl"... she's so cute!  sad how we lose touch so easily, but i knoe God's got her...
^i just LOVE this one... it was my first time playing with color in my art... colored pencils, that is... and it just... added to the... iono... i just realli REALLI like this one...
^this one was done for my sistaz... i thot of making bumper stickers... but... it took too long to finish...
^and this was the finished draft... i dont like doing 2 colors... i like hiding my messages... so that those who have a will to find it WILL... and those that dont... well they like the design...

i enjoy what i do... tho it takes forever!!!!... i love it! i guess, i AM an artist at heart... haha... o rite... look out world... but S.I.N.E. is going to be mine soon... I HOPE!!!

peace out homies! ~ tiruch

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I am a young writer/director whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give my work a personal and unique stamp.